Jade & Rachel

Jade & Rachel
The Tomatin Terrors

Hello My Name is Rachel

Hello name is Rachel

Hi my name is Rachel. I am 8 years old. I was born at Raigmore Hospital on the 18 April 2002.

Oh what a beautiful baby

I live in a beautiful village called Tomatin and I go to a calm school called Strathdearn Primary School, I am in p4 and my best friend at school is called Grace who is in p3.

I have a big sister called Jade. I think you’ve heard of her.

My big sister

My hobby is drinking coke and running.

I love to look after animals and my favourite animals are cats and dogs.

Me with Rusty

My favourite colours are pink and purple.

I like to visit my nana and grandad, they live Inverness and my granddad takes me to the swimming pool where I am learning to swim. I can swim with the float in the big pool and I like the small pool which has a wave machine and some slides.

I like when I am on school holidays because I get lots of time to play and I enjoy going to the park to play on the swings and the slides and the park is near our house.

I like to go camping in the summertime and we go with my nana and grandad who have a big tent.

Me and my sister at the beach
Gairloch on holiday

On a Paddle Boat on my holiday

I like to play on the Wii and the game I am best at is bowling as I can beat my sister and nana and granddad. My favourite games are Bowling and Mario Cart and I also play Lego Batman with my sister.

I like to draw pictures and hang them on my bedroom wall at my nana’s house as I have my own bedroom.

Apart from the school holidays my favourite time of the year is Xmas when i get lots of nice presents and i like to play in the snow which is sometimes deep in Tomatin.

Opening my presents on Xmas Day

The snow at my house in Tomatin
My favourite music is Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber.

