Jade & Rachel

Jade & Rachel
The Tomatin Terrors

Hello My Name is Jade

Hello my name is Jade:

Hi my name is Jade. I am 10 years old. I was born at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness on the 12 September 2000.

My hair is strawberry blonde the same colour as my mums.

I live in the village of Tomatin and go to Strathdearn Primary School. I have lots of friends there. I am in p6 and the work is so easy.

Me and my friend Andrew at the school play.

I have a little sister called Rachel.

My little sister

My mum works as a cleaner in the school and she has a great time working there cleaning up all the mess us kids leave behind, me and my sister sometimes help our mum with the cleaning up.

My hobby is eating chocolate. It’s a good thing I go out running to the park that way I won’t get fat.

My favourite colours are red and orange.

I have three cats, Freddie, Phoebe and Molly. Phoebe had six kittens, my favourite kitten was one I called Samba. My nana and granddad took two of the kittens and they are called Rusty and Freckles and I see them when I visit my grandparents who live in Inverness.

The best thing about me is when the cats catch a bird or a mouse I try to save them and set them free.

Me and Freckles

I like to play games on the Wii and my favourite games are Lego Batman and Mario Cart.

My favourite time of the year is school holidays, I enjoy going camping in the summertime for my holiday and have been camping to Scarborough and the Lake District. This year went to Gairloch beside the beach where me and my sister caught lots of jellyfish that were lying on the sand when the tide was out. We put them in a bucket and carried them back in the water.

Me and my sister on the beach

On a Paddle Boat on my holiday

I really like Xmas time and on Xmas Day I like to open up all my presents and play with them.

Xmas Day getting ready to open my presents

Snow outside my house

My favourite music is Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber.

